Sunday, January 26, 2014

Essie's Encrusted Treasures Mini Review

Welcome back!

Today, I wanted to share my opinions with you on just two of the Essie Encrusted Treasures polishes. I know that now, they are slowly becoming less readily available, and much harder to find, as well as picked over. I got my hands on two of these, though, just a couple of weeks ago, or else this would have gone up much earlier.

These are the two colors I got: Lots of Lux (left) and Belugaria (right).

I saw Lots of Lux, and decided to get it. Now, these ARE meant to be textured polishes. It was a whole line of textures, kind of like the Sally Hansen Sugar Coat polishes.

When I put on Lots of Lux, I fell in love. It went on so smoothly, and looked gorgeous! I thought the color was great, and it had some sparkle in it, so it wasn't so flat looking. There was so much dimension to this color. After the first coat, I was worried that trying to put on the second coat would be tricky, and would ruin what I had. Fortunately, all it did was add to it. It went on well, AGAIN, and made it look even prettier than before.

The texture never "wore off" the way I was worried it would. It was smooth to the touch, but still, of course, a little bumpy.

Then, I bought Belugaria. And I must say...this one was a waste of $8.00. It was horrible. The polish was thick, and goopy while trying to put it on. It was also super patchy. There were areas that had a ton of the beads in one spot, and then others that were just a very thin coating of black. I hated it as soon as I put on the first coat, but decided to try a second coat, hoping maybe that would even it did not. It stayed patchy, being thick in some spots, and barely there in others.

This picture of Belugaria is not good, because I didn't even try to clean it up. I just took it off after about two hours.

Basically, I would say that the collection probably had goods and bads. Again, I did only purchase these two, but if you happen to see others out, I would give them a try!!

Thanks for reading <3

*All opinions are my own and truthful. I purchased these two polishes with my own money.

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