Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Day Challenge: Day 29

Welcome back!

Today's theme: inspired by the supernatural!

I was honestly dreading this day. I didn't complete the challenge last year, and this day was part of the reason why. I had no idea what to do. I hate spooky/creepy things, so this day is horrible for me. I realized after doing it and exploring other peoples more, that there are some good ideas out there. Something to keep in mind for next year! :)

I did small, cute ghosts, which is also perfect for Halloween which is coming up! For this nail art, it was super simple. I used Hot Designs, which are the brush and pen combo! I've seen these in my local Walmart, CVS, and Target. I think you can also get them online.

It was short and sweet for this one! Simple is good sometimes, though!

Thanks for reading <3

*All polishes were purchased with my own money. All opinions are my own and truthful. I am not sponsored in any way.

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