Saturday, September 13, 2014

31 Day Challenge: Day 13

Welcome back!

Today's theme: animal print!

I decided to go with leopard print today, because I have never done leopard print before! I've always thought that it was too typical and common, and truthfully never cared for it.

After doing today's mani though...I'm in love! I want to try this in different colors, and sizes, and as an accent...everything!

It was surprisingly easy to do, because it is kind of hard to mess up, considering that no actual leopard's spots are perfect. There is no right or wrong way to do it. I almost consider this a technique to be learned.

My base color was OPI Going My Way or Norway? from the new Nordic collection for fall. For the spots, I used NYX Dark Beige which is a mini polish that was included in the "Fall in Love" collection. For the lines around the spots, I used Wet n Wild Wild Shine Black Creme. On my thumb, I reversed the base coat with the spots, as you can see in the picture below.

I honestly don't want to take this off tomorrow! I enjoyed this so much! Here's a close up of the pattern.

Thanks for reading <3

*I am not sponsored in any way. All polishes were purchased with my own money. All opinions are truthful and my own.

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